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【展商资讯】AMTE: R&D coatings, nano mats.



AMTE Co., Ltd

Hall3.1|C315 - 5

前沿产品/Cutting-edge products

01 Tisylvania


Tisylvania's photocatalytic coating promotes a cleaner, healthier environment through its photocatalytic effects, self-cleaning features, and air purification capabilities. The coating's durability is enhanced by advanced organic-inorganic composite resin technology, which also boosts odor elimination and thermal insulation. Offers a safe usage environment with its antiviral and sterilization functions.

Tisylvania的光催化涂层通过其光催化效应、自清洁功能和空气净化功能,促进更清洁、更健康的环境. 先进的有机-无机复合树脂技术增强了涂层的耐用性,同时还增强了除臭和隔热性能。 具有抗病毒和杀菌功能,提供安全的使用环境。

02 Ceramic insulation film ESAVE 501

     陶瓷隔热膜ESAVE 501


Achieving both high visible light transmittance (VLT) and high infrared ray blocking (IRC) simultaneously. Suitable for use as a heat shield film and infrared ray shield film in automobiles, smart buildings, displays, and electronic devices. Offers high weatherability and durability: withstands 85 °C / 85% RH and 1000 hours under a Xe Lamp at 50 W/m² for 1000 hours.

同时实现高可见光透过率(VLT)和高红外线阻挡(IRC)。适用于汽车、智能建筑、显示器、电子设备等领域的隔热膜、红外线屏蔽膜。 具有高耐候性和耐用性:可在 50 W/m² 氙灯下承受 85 °C / 85% RH 和 1000 小时,持续 1000 小时。



Consists of surface-modified hollow silica nanoparticles dispersed in a PGMEA solvent. Coatings made from these nanoparticles can serve as antireflection films with lower refractive index values. They are suitable for various applications including low-reflection coatings for TV displays, low dielectric constant films for FCCL, and high transmittance coating films for photovoltaic cover glass.

由分散在 PGMEA 溶剂中的表面改性中空二氧化硅纳米颗粒组成。 由这些纳米粒子制成的涂层可以用作具有较低折射率值的减反射膜。它们适用于各种应用,包括电视显示器的低反射涂层、FCCL的低介电常数薄膜以及光伏盖板玻璃的高透射率涂层薄膜。

公司简介/Company Profile

Amte Co., Ltd. was established in 2009 as a venture company that researches, develops and produces various functional coatings and related nano materials such as display coatings, coatings for the electronics industry, and thermal barrier coatings.

Through the development of new technologies, we are creating materials for various uses, succeeding in developing energy-saving materials and films, and manufacturing functional materials and films applicable to various fields. In addition, manufacturing display and industrial materials based on synthesis, dispersion, and blending technologies, which are essential technologies in the field of nano materials and functional materials, which are becoming more advanced, and supplying new materials tailored to customers' needs, creating better value for customers.